This is my first blog post in English. As for the first writing, I would like to share good thought about kindness in just short, precise and simple manner. It was something that helps me to understand about life in the spiritual, philosophical and religious point of view. Here I would like to share with you a morale story that I’d like to look back in one or more of my tomorrows.
Kindness is the paramount of almsgiving

Kindness : The Wise Man Stone

A wise man who was travelling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream. The next day he met another traveller who was hungry. The wise man opened his bag to share his food. The hungry traveller saw the precious stone and asked politely to the man to give it to him. He did so without hesitation. The hungry traveller left, rejoicing on his good fortune. He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime. But, a few days later he came back to return the stone to the wise man.
“I’ve been thinking,” he said, “I know how valuable the stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious. Give me what you have within you that enable you to give me the precious stone.”
“The wise Man Stone” – Anonymous
Good stories are always worth sharing if it makes the heart feel all good inside and even if you won’t have any idea who was the author of it. I guess sometimes it just really has to do with the level of kindness we have in us that changes or makes a difference in the way we look or do things in the days that we live on this planet. It’s quite contagious on the name of goodness… I mean.. ‘kindness’.
Morale of kindness in human being
With pure kindness, your heart smile with you. Frankly, I’m thinking I still don’t quite have it enough in me like some people are. How is it that some people appear to be like saint or angle if you prefer, and really are that way right from the heart? No mask, no pretending whatsoever. You see their sincere intention right through from the heart. Great God… I envy them…

Kindness In Islamic Belief

Well, that’s the thing I’ve learned and please to share with you about the paramount almsgiving (sadaqah) for mankind. It is simple but not always easy things to do, sometimes. In relation to the meaning of kindness, it also has been written in the Holy Quran that reminded all Muslims without any hesitation to put an upmost priority on kindness in living our life for the betterment of society.
“If you publish your almsgiving, it is well, but if you hide it and give it to the poor, it will be better for you, and will atone for some of your ill-deeds. God is informed of what you do.” – Holy Quran : Al Baqarah 2:271
Kindness creates charitable causes
Without kindness, there will be no sincere almsgiving… Thus, to be a good Muslim, kindness is the paramount aspect that we should ponder and consider almost everyday. It doesn’t always
have to be in a form of money but also advises, support, creating good cause
for life or anything good like I’m sharing this morale story as an informative reminder for all of us.
Kindness : The paramount almsgiving for mankind. That’s the kind of people I’d like to learn and be around with regardless of religion, skin colour, races or background. Stay positive, focus on being kind, well and happy…

24 Thoughts to “Kindness : The Paramount Almsgiving For Mankind”

  1. Ija Rased

    kindness bukan pada sesama muslim kan , tapi pada makhluk ciptaan allah swt.

  2. A very nice post in english la KK..:)

    1. alangkah beruntung menjadi orang yang baik hati..

  3. Mulanya ingat silap blog. Satu perkongsian yang baik. Kindness bukan sahaja sesama insan tetapi juga kepada semua makhluk Allah.

  4. tak semua orang mampu berbuat baik tapi tak susah nak jadi baik. setiap apa kita lakukan ada balasan dia sendiri. kalau buat baik, orang akan buat baik pada kita balik… dah english2 dah abang KK ni ye. hehe

  5. wow bling-bling mata cik akak baca entry nie..kiki…entry yang best giler….

  6. the word 'kindness' itself shows how universal that word can be. i truly believe even giving a smile is a part of being kind to other people as well.

  7. very good massage and great sharing ..

  8. You are also very kind hearted guy…

  9. merangkak jap baca English..hehehe…nice sharing Khir..

  10. KK… BM syorkan agar KK buat satu blog khas berbahasa Inggeris kerana ianya berpotensi utk penyebaran yg lebih meluas dan dibaca oleh pelbagai kaum serta negara kerana BI KK amat bagus. KK cuma alih bahasa entri terpilih blog ini pun OK…

  11. kindness tu bersifat menyeluruh bkn sesama manusia shj tetapi kpd semua yg bergelar makhluk

  12. Kindness memang sesangat lah di perlukan demi untuk kesejahteraan bersama.

  13. memang agak sukar untuk mencari org berjumpa org yg kindness nih..dan tak perlu memilih org tertentu utk kita buat baik

  14. jadi berbuat baiklah denga semua org kerana pasti ada ganjaran baik dari yg maha Esa

  15. Nice posting in english KK,Hehe saya faham english tapi untuk menuturkan nya kurang yakin sikit lah maklumlah dah lama tak speaking betul betul sebab xde orang yang nak di ajak berbual dalam bahasa inggeris..hehe.. mesej yang berguna bagi artikel ini,terbaik+++ KK..

  16. Anonymous

    Berbuat baiklah dengan sesiapa jua..

  17. Bunda pun…ingatkan bunda silap masuk blog…tergeliat jugak lidah bunda membaca n nak memahaminya…bunda bukan fasih sangat english ni…

    1. Setuju dengan saranan BM…semoga maju jaya KK..

  18. Lynn Munir

    A very good article indeed.

    “ For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness;
    and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. “ – Audrey Hepburn

    You are the man KK.

  19. Wah! Good entry wonder la graduate dr uni di landon kan..keep it up!

  20. Fuhh menarik entri BI KK ni…Lya sokong KK dari belakang ..Memang terbaik la…Tetiba teringat lama noo tak guna BI hahaha ..Kekadang dah lupa dah kita penah belajar menulis dalam BI hehehhe…Wah ni entri first la KK berbahasaInggerius ..tahniah KK maju setapak lagi maju dan terus maju..Lya dah baca dua entri Kk yang gunaBI..Ingatkan yg tu la first hehehe rupanya yang ni eaaa… Maklumla kita baca entri dari depan hahahha..Ok good job KK..Sentiasa support kat sini..Alamak lupa nak komen entri hehhehee..Kekadang biula kita sendiri baca entri mengenai kebaikan kita rasa cam nak masuk kat dalam cerita itu..Kebaikan yg kita buat biarlah ikhlas dari hati baru la kita akan dapat CAHAUA KEIKHLASAN itu..sesetengah org nk buat keikhlasan tapi tak berapa nak ikhlas ..Keikhlasan ygsebenar datangnya dari hati……..Tq KK

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